When the dreadful finals of the Spring semester finally ended, I was still not done learning. In fact, I had summer school in Taiwan with Dr. Raley. This study abroad program is predestined to teach us about the culture, religion, art, and philosophy of Tawain. This sounds very exciting doesn't it? Well, to be completely honest, I was not yet excited. I thought the excitement would hit me when I got on the plane but it did not.
I was sort of blank with emotion but inside I was very eager; I yearned to learn and experience everything I could about Taiwan. I unconsciously maintained my composure to a level that made me appear uninterested but I was just completely focused. Excitement is blinding and it yields your vision the most when adrenaline is pumping and expectations are established. "I'm just listening, observing, and going with the flow." I've stated that many times and I feel like it's the best way to provoke thought. To others, it may seem like I am isolating myself but I'm really making the most of this experience by examining my surroundings.
From Jackson, MS to Chicago. From Chicago to Tokyo. From Tokyo to Tawain. We traveled for 24 hours and It was morning the entire time. Dr. Raley explained something really profound about our plane following the international time zones (I don't remember exactly what he said) which caused us not to have existed for a day. I, Samesa Hoskin, did not live on May 10th and that is freaking awesome.
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