African Mountaineer

Man: Are you from Africa?
Me: Nooo, I'm from the United States.
Man: (he bucks his eyes) The states? Wow, how many of you are there?
Me: Black people? 
Man: Yes, are there hundreds? 
Me: No, there are thousands and millions and millions. 
Man: (his eyes buck again) millions? Wow
Me: Yes..
Man: So when did you move from Africa to the States?
Me: (laughs) I'm not from Africa, I'm from the United States. I am American
Man: (looking confused now) You are? Your parents are from Africa?
Me: No, well my ancestors from a long long long long long time ago may have been... But no.
Man: Oh, like the Aborigine people of Taiwan! They live in the mountains. 
Me: YES, exactly.
Woman: (in Chinese) Is she from India?

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